Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Ikebana Gift Basket Surprise

Iemoto Akane Teshigahara visited Sydney, Australia for the celebration "50 Golden Years of Sogetsu in Australia and New Zealand" in May this year. She held a spectacular demonstration which can now be seen on YouTube, one video for each arrangement and one for the grand finale - a full scale installation with dramatic lighting.

One of the arrangements, using a bamboo basket made by the Iemoto herself, was surprisingly given away to a member of the audience. What a nice gesture. I hope the winner had strong arms since the arrangement is quite large and looks heavy.

I've also chosen a video for my blog where Akane is using the same intertwining technique as in one of my resent postings. The Weeping willow that she is using is a much lighter material than the Birch in my arrangement. Still I can't help thinking it would be fun to try making it into a large arrangement, maybe I will. Now enjoy the demonstration by the Iemoto.

Thank you Venkatesh Lyer of the "Ikebana and us" blog for information about the videos.

Drifting Away

Here comes another horizontal arrangement - this time going only in one direction. I think this vase is from Mexico. It has a wonderful pattern of swirling leaves in the black surface that goes very well with the drifting lines of the branches. Unfortunately one can not see the pattern in the photo.

Dried salix, red roses and bergenia leaves in a black clay vase.

Thursday, 1 July 2010

Again and Again

Repeating forms is a great way of making an impression. It's also helps you to go a little bit further than you would usually do.

"Again and again again again again again
Never stop
Again and again again again again again
Never stop oh" (Lady Gaga)

Actually you got to be able to stop when there is balance. It's just that when the form is clean it can sometimes take much more than you think.

Horse tail triangles and a contrasting Allium ball in triangular containers.

Long green leaves tied into circles and Allium in a circular green container.

Dried bamboo and Calla Lily in a triangular container.
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