Friday, 9 March 2012

Winter Again

Birch branches and Ranunculus.

The shiftings of the seasons are really a resource in ikebana. The atmosphere indoors should be in harmony, not in conflict with the season outdoors or even with todays weather. There is no use fighting what's out there, so why not rather work within the time of year and appreciate every season.

In the flower shops in Oslo everything is spring and pink these days. Peach and cherry blossom branches have been for sale for some weeks already. I can appreciate that spring flowers makes people happy, for ikebana use however it's far too early. Yesterday the snow was back after a week with warm weather. Now everything is again covered in a bright white duvet.

These Ranunculus looks a bit like snow balls to me. The arrangement is a basic upright in a shallow bowl showing off the water. This is actually one of my newest containers. It's a Swedish midcentury bowl by renown ceramist Carl-Harry Stålhane. It's the first time I'm using it and I love the egg shell feeling of it.

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