Some people really have put a lot of work in sharing information on internet. By coincidence I stumbled across two articles about Sofu Teshigahara in Time Magazine, one from 1955 and one written in 1978.
In the 1955 articel, "Grass and Moon Master", Sofu is described as "a short, gnomelike figure dressed in a cream-colored coat, grey flannels and sneakers", staring reflectively at a hydragena in Bois de Boulogne, Paris. The first impression is contrasted by the statement "That gentleman is a famous Japanese flower arranger, Monsieur Sofu". The article goes on telling about his ikebana exhibition that "boogles the eyes and stuns the senses". It also tells the story about Sofu starting up the Sogetsu School, his work in wartime, and the success of his exhibitions after the war was ended.
Fascinating reading.
The 1978 articel "Japan's Picasso of the Flowers" writes about the opening of The Sogetsu School's eleven-story headquarters building, designed by Japanese Architect Kenzo Tange. Again we get the story of Sofu going new ways and starting his school. This time he is depicted as travelling in a chauffeured white Cadillac and living in an expensive Western-style house.
Read the articles online through these links: